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Your management team are the foundation for your success. They cornerstone your governance.

Maintaining a stable, balanced and diverse team with the skills you need to execute your strategy requires a systematic approach.

Rosolution offers a range of hands-on services to support you in designing, building and evolving your dream team.

Skills Planning


Your business is changing every day. You need to be confident that your team is driving that change and adapting with it.

Effective skills mapping is central to good business planning. It involves much more than a list of capabilities. It’s a dynamic skills plan aligned to the phases of your strategy, tracking the skills you have and the skills you’ll need, guiding the development and evolution of your dream team.

Succession & DEVELOPMENT


Stop-gap? Internal promotion? Lateral hire? It’s important to know whether and how you’ll cover an unexpected vacancy in your leadership team.

Succession planning should not stop there though. Properly integrated with your strategy, skills planning and people development programmes, your succession plan is a structured roadmap for the evolution of your team to deliver your purpose.

Promotion Readiness


Your first company directorship is an exciting but daunting prospect - your relationship with, perspective on and responsibility to the business changes overnight. You need to adapt quickly to your new role, without losing the magic that got you there in the first place.

With first hand experience making the transition in a complex regulated environment and deep experience coaching others through the same journey, Rosolution will help you ensure your transition is seamless.