Rosolution is a trading name of Rosolution Limited (company number 12614261) incorporated in England & Wales. The registered office, service and business mail address for Rosolution Limited is:

Kemp House

160 City Road



You may use this address for all physical correspondence with Rosolution. Correspondence is digitised for us on receipt and made available to us online. Rosolution does not maintain a physical office presence at this address.

Rosolution is not authorised or regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). As such Rosolution does not provide the following reserved legal services:

  • preparation, management or conduct of litigation, court proceedings, court documents or advocacy

  • preparing or lodging reserved instruments such as transfer or title documentation or applications required under the Land RegistrationAct 2002 or any other documentation relating to real or personal estate

  • probate

  • administration of oaths