
We keep our policy simple

Protecting your privacy, and the confidentiality of the business information you share with us, is our number 1 priority.

Why? Because you deserve to be completely confident that your information is secure and that we will handle it with total discretion. We would not have it any other way.

Collection and processing of personal information

We will only ask you for the information we need to be able to contact you and manage your account properly: your name, address, phone number and email. In certain circumstances we may also need to verify that information by asking you to provide copies of official documents such as your passport, driving licence and a recent utility bill or bank statement, in which case we will have access to the information contained in those documents.

We will only process your information for the purposes of contacting you, setting up and managing your account, providing you the services we’ve agreed, managing our finances, accounting to HMRC and detecting and preventing crime.

You may choose not to share your personal information with us. In such circumstances, we may be unable to provide your desired services.

Collection and processing of business information

Before you formally engage Rosolution, you may choose to share certain business information with us. Ordinarily this will be covered by a non-disclosure agreement and, later, in the service terms and conditions we agree between us. If we need to mobilise support for you before full confidentiality terms are agreed, you can rest assured that we will:

  • assume that information you share with us about your business is confidential (unless you have told us it is not or the information was in the public domain when you shared it with us); and

  • treat your information with the utmost discretion, use it only for the purposes of providing services to you and only disclose it in the limited circumstances described below.

Cookies on is hosted by Squarespace. Squarespace uses cookies to help the site run effectively and provide the best experience for you. To do this Squarespace will store small packages of data on your device, known as “cookies”. Cookies help the site identify your preferences and help us understand how you use different features.

Squarespace use two types of cookies:

“functional and required cookies” which allow you to navigate and use key features on, particularly internal and external links, client accounts and merchant services
“analytics and performance cookies” which collect information about your interactions with to help us understand how the website is performing and how we can improve it for you. This category of cookie will only be used with your agreement, for example when you click “Accept” on the cookie notification banner.

You can access a full list of both types of cookies here.

Sharing your personal and business information

When we are processing your personal information for the purposes described above, the following third parties may have access to some or all of your personal information from time to time:

  • Squarespace, who host our website, website analystics and website based communications

  • Google, who handle our email accounts, website analytics and some of our cloud storage

  • Apple, who provide the remainder of our cloud storage

  • Yourcompanyformations Limited, who digitise any physical mail sent to our registered office address

  • our business bankers from time to time

We will not share your personal or business information publicly or with anyone else, except as required by law, applicable regulations or a valid order made by a court or other competent tribunal.

If a situation arises where we it becomes necessary for us to share any of your information with someone else, we will let you know beforehand as long as we are lawfully permitted to do so.

Secure transmission, storage and retention of personal and business information

We will always store your information securely using information security arrangements at least as stringent as those we use for our own information. We do our utmost to ensure that the third parties we deal with operate robust, secure solutions and regularly assess their suitability for our clients and our business.

As a number of our online service providers are based in the United States of America, data you provide us may be hosted on servers outside the European Union subject to applicable EU-US privacy shields.

Unless we agree otherwise with you, we will only retain information for as long as it is necessary to provide you with your requested services and for the duration of any liability period we agree with you in writing.

Information shared by email is not always secure and may be intercepted. We recommend password-protecting any personally identifiable or commercially sensitive information you send us by email and using secure file sharing services as appropriate.

External links on may include or display links to external sites that we do not operate. We have no control over the content and practices of these sites, and do not accept responsibility or liability for their approach to privacy.