

Even the deepest integrations need a little attention from time to time - your business evolves every day and your governance needs to evolve in lockstep with it.

Rosolution offers a range of services to optimise your governance integration.

Find out more below.



Maximise your integration by measuring your progress. Designed to complement your original Integration Analysis and Integration Roadmap, Rosolution’s assurance programme provides an objective assessment of your governance against your integration aspirations.



Businesses evolve, plans adapt and people change. There could be any number of reasons for governance integration to stall or for individual connections to break. Combining root cause analysis with your original Integration Analysis and Integration Roadmap, Rosolution can help you:

  • get the heart of issues quickly

  • develop actionable recovery plans

  • implement solutions



Even the most well-planned transformation programmes put your governance under unique strain. Unplanned transformations, as many businesses will have experienced in responding to COVID-19, can result in systemic governance disintegration.

Whatever the nature of your transformation programme, Rosolution brings together almost 20 years of leadership, transformation, transactional and governance experience to provide practical, pragmatic support to help you get more from your business.