


Amongst the most strategic and transformational activity your business will undertake, corporate deals and other corporate actions often launch the next chapter of your business.

Typically demanding a lot from your organisation over an intense period, balancing the demands of your timetable with busy day-jobs can put business performance under pressure.

With almost 20 years experience spanning the most common domestic and international corporate actions and leading some of Europe’s most complicated deals, Rosolution is the ideal complement to your deal team.

Capital markets

  • Initial public offerings (IPOs)

  • Placings, open offers and rights issues

  • Recommended and hostile takeovers

  • Takeover defence

  • Responding to shareholder activism

  • Recommended and requisitioned general meetings

Acquisitions & disposals

  • Share acquisitions & disposals

  • Asset acquisitions & disposals

  • Privatisations

  • Consortium transactions

  • Accelerated and distressed situations

  • Portfolio securitisations

Finance & investment

  • Seed and venture capital

  • Equity backed management buy-outs/buy-ins

  • Asset finance

  • Listed and unlisted bonds

  • Medium term note programmes